Sunday 10 January 2016

                                          The Importance of Education

                            Tweaks and adjustments before the production

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This week I have made some great process with the project in terms of increasing depth to the story and overall film. I have included an extra scene for the film to really exaggerate on the sense of loss that the student character feels which the audience will be able to relate to as we have all felt hopeless at some point in our lives.In terms of music I have collected a collection of copyright free tracks just in case I'm unable to complete the soundtrack for the film to satisfaction as its not only a matter of creating music but also testing it on audiences to see their reactions.

I am currently booking first meeting with my supervisor James Fair to discuss the progress of the project so far and receive his advice regarding how to excel further with the project. Despite whether I use the copyright free tracks or my own music track I believe that my structure for the music score would now consist of a cinematic and epic music entrance to the introduction of the film to get the attention then will go into depth and mystery as to where the film is heading. This will be followed by the music intensifying as thing goes wrong and sympathy and sad music will come into play whilst concluding with triumphant and uplifting score to finish on a high note. I feel that these sources of research below helped me to understand what I should look for in choosing actors and made me realise the principals of the story structure and how my music that I use in the film should also reflect upon the three act structure. 

My own personal experience with acting such as University productions, my own projects outside of the University for entertainment purposes along with short indie productions I had been involved with in the past and current helps me to determine how I would want to direct my actors to tell my story through facial expressions and emotions. 

These techniques will be useful as I am to perform a monologue for this film which is the narration of the story from the perspective of the student and I will need to show a variety of expressions and emotions in my voice as the audience will be hearing my voice and not seeing my visual expressions which will force me to draw extra focus on the exaggeration of certain feelings and elements of the monologue such as the sadness, regret, sorrow, hopelessness and epiphany based emotions in the student's voice as he tells the story. 

The three act structure is useful to use in order to place my ingredients within the film into the three stages such as choosing a part of the story whether act 1, 2 or 3 and determining what kind of elements I would need to show in the 'Hook' stage of the film to get the audience attention. The same goes for the 'Conflict' stage and the build up climax to a meaningful and satisfactory conclusion.

I feel that the following week will be all I really need to launch this production as it seems I will have everything by then and will be ready to get the show on a roll as I'm feeling extremely excited about this production as the story means a lot to me personally and I feel that the audience will be able to feel and relate to the story too as anyone with a human heart will know that bad things in life happen but message in the film is not only to not give up but to prevent bad things from happening by taking extra caution at the beginning which I think is a positive and appropriate message to deliver to the audience.

My Research for this week consisted of the following: 

Directing Actors Chapter 01: Welcome (2015), 'HollywoodCameraWork', Avaliable at: [Accessed at 06/01/16] 

Scriptwriting: Three Act Structure - Five Minute Film School (2014), 'Fiveminutefilmschool' (Video File), [ONLINE], Available at: [Accessed at 07/01/16]

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