Sunday 8 November 2015

                      The Importance of Education - Post 6: Sources for Inspiration

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This week I have come to terms with a bunch of great sources that I would use to do my research from in order for me to produce my film more professionally. I have looked into the mechanics of what I would need to learn in order to produce my film and have scheduled different sections of the production that I would need to study and perform research upon.

These being movie composers who style I feel would influence me when it comes to writing and composing the music score for my film and also how to produce music using editing software s in general which I have experience with but I am using this as a chance to refresh my knowledge of it.

I would also look into the filming techniques used by one of my favourite auteur directors 'Steven Spielberg' and Time management tools along with educating myself in ideas of how to write screenplays.

I have found that the film 'Educating Rita' would also be a great influence to base my film on as it supports and shows how the neglecting an education can negatively shape a life as Julie Walters character Rita is tired of living with her abusive boyfriend in a down and out life style and decides she deserves more out of life.

Hans Zimmer and John Barry are music composers whose music are not only just well known by many but their music has the ability to fit with most films which is easy to see why as the music has such dramatic composition of the instruments. I will study Hans Zimmers and John Barry more closely in the coming week and will begin deciding how my shots will look in the actual production.

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